Change trivia answer lines

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Change trivia answer lines

Post by jaynzl »

Hey Indy

Few change requests to the trivia

1. Would it be possible to change the answer lines for the trivia from underscore to **** which makes it easier to see the separation of each word.
As per the example below.

Here is a hint: __e ____ __i_ ______o_
Here is a hint: __e __o_ ____ _o____o_
Question timed out, it seems nobody knew that one. The answer was The Good Ship Lollipop

Hint1: ******l **u****
Hint2: m*****l d*u****
Hint3: mi**ael dou**a*
Times Up! The answer was -> michael douglas <-

2. Another would be to keep the clue letters on each line following it
3. Any chance of music knowledge trivia questions with it being run on a radio would be well suited.
I have tried making a questionaire sheet following the same format with no luck.

Just a few suggestions


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Re: Change trivia answer lines

Post by Indy »

1. I added the HintHiddenChar option to the Trivia plugin now so you can change the _ to * or whatever you want now.

2. I had done that originally but some people requested it not keep the already exposed letters, I may make that a toggle-able option in the future.

3. If you know of a database of questions I'll see if I can convert them to the format the bot uses.
You can make your own questions if you want, just make sure the filename is in this format: questions.WhateverYouWant.en
It has to begin with questions. and end in a period and 2 digit language code (ie. .en). It can't have any further file extension like .txt, etc.
Also make sure to use a unique filename so Updater doesn't kill your edits :-)
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Re: Change trivia answer lines

Post by jaynzl »

Gettng error after update - "error unpacking Libssmt.dll"



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Re: Change trivia answer lines

Post by Indy »

That should be fixed now.
You can also contact me via email or instant messenger, links are at the bottom of this post.

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